[7] Finn's Fin.

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[7] Finn's Fin.

Post by HonestFinn » Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:56 am



People of ASDF, hear my plea. Tomorrow evening I have a first-date with the funniest, smartest, most attractive, most phenomenal, friendliest, most-super-amazingest woman in the world. She's the real deal. To that end; I'm looking for any and all extra karma you may have stored up to help me hit it off with her.

If you have any extra good karma saved up, please consider sending it this way. My goal is to store up a giant super bright energy-blast of anti-emo-karma and explode the earth (and our date) with positive energy. Do it. Do it now.

Thank You for your time.

+------+ UPDATE +------+

Just got back. I, uh, kdsfllsdflajds;fasljf;asldfjas;fsajdfsadkljfa;slfdkjdas;fljkas;dfljk
I can't think straight right now, let alone type. I'll attempt to summarize with a .gif.


You know what? Screw that. That's not nearly awesome enough.
It. Was. Amazing. She's amazing. The coffee shop was amazing. The walk was amazing. The movie was amazing. She's amazing.
We're meeting for lunch tomorrow before our classes together. I'm head-over-heels right now. I'm in-lesbians.

Just as well, Thanks to you fine gentlemen (assdef, atom, & AF) for sending me a wonderful shower of karma! Much appreciated!

I'll pay you back one day - You have my word!

+------+ UPDATE #2 +------+

[Monday Evening] The date. Picked her up. She's beautiful. Went out for coffee. Delicious. To the movie. Wrong theater. Picked a random flick. Horror film. Walked around for an hour waiting for the film to start. Confessed I hate horror films. Went anyway. Held hands. Heartbeat x 100. Took her home. Walked to the doorstep. Romantic dialogue. Fade to black.

[Tuesday Afternoon] "Let's grab lunch". Deal. She's beautiful. Back at her-place. Met the dog. Growls. Grilled cheese. Start a movie. Dogma. Paused the film. Time for class together. Can't focus. Next class together. Can't focus. Walk her to the bus-stop. Can't say goodbye. Brain. Mush. "Let's finish the movie later". Deal. Back at her place. Evening. Meet the roomies. We're on the couch. Finish the movie. Start a new one. Can't focus. She catches me. Sleep on the couch. Best-worst sleep ever. Heatbeat x1,000. Fade to black.

[Wednesday] Lunch with my father. Gush to him about her. Show him a picture. "She's cute". Text her. Wants a picture of him. "He's adorable". Wants to meet the family. Sometime soon. She's off at five. Pick her up. Back to her place. She showers. She's beautiful. Head up into town to meet a friend. They hit it off. I'm relieved. Ramen. Dessert. Back to her place. Crash in her room. Censored. Heartbeat x 10,000. Best-best sleep ever. I'm in lesbians. Fade to black.

[Thursday] Today. Woke up in her room. Is this real? Pinch is. Gotta' get her up. Don't want to. She's beautiful. Drop her off. "See you in-class". Shower. Pinch myself again. Back to my place. Sleep like crap. Wake up. Head up to campus. Meet her early. Walk to class. Can't focus. Next class. Can't focus. Walk her to the bus-stop. "Goodbye". She's busy tonight. Even still; I hope she calls. For the love of God Almighty I hope she calls. It's too late. I'm head-over-heels. Sitting in my last class of the day, I write this fragmented entry. Can't focus. What's the class? Sigh. I'm really, really in-lesbians. She's beautiful.

+------+ UPDATE #3 +------+

[Friday] Wake up at her place. She's beautiful. Drove her down to another city. She'll be away for the weekend. Ugh. How will I survive? Don't think -- Start driving. We eat Thai food at her Uncle's place. He's nice. I drop her off. She waves. My heart drops. We text later. She's fine. I tell her to be safe. Sleep.

[Saturday] Wake up at a friend's place. Where am I? It's awful. I'm love-sick: I know it. Even though I can't see her, she's beautiful. Lunch with friends. Distracted. See an ice-skating rink. Remember to mention that as a potential date-night later. Head into a shop to have my car's oil changed. She calls. I walk around a park while we're on the phone. Beautiful day outside. On the phone, she refer's to herself as 'My Girlfriend', and my heart skips a beat. We start planning Valentines day. She likes chocolate and wolves. Mental bookmark. Regardless: that's too far away for me. I want to see her now, but that's not possible. She has to go. I need to study. Sigh. Sleep. I miss her.

+------+ UPDATE #4 +------+

[Sunday] She's still out of town. I'm alone. Painful. Ugh. Out with friends. Can't stop gushing. She's beautiful. What'll it be. She calls. Something is wrong. She's hurt -- and I don't have permission to pry. A city away; I can't do anything for her in this moment. I spit out some tired cliche' phrases. I'm here for you. Call me whenever you need it. That crap. I missed an opportunity to help her. Midnight. Studying. One. Studying. Two. Just Dance 3. Runnin' up an' down. [1] [2], when, all of a sudden -- epiphany. I've missed something huge. I need to tell her. How could I have been so foolish.

[Monday] She may or may not be coming back tonight. I miss her. She's beautiful. What can I do? What should I do. Studying. More studying. That eat-thing. Lunch with Mom. Show her a photograph. She likes her. Of course. Speak on the phone briefly. Doesn't know if she's coming back still. Doctor's appointment. That's fine. I'll be waiting. Hang out. Socialize. Think. Food. Write. Ten. The phone rings. "Come over". I'm running. I'm running so fast my guts come up. I have to tell her.

Step through the door. Her dog looks happy. I'm happy. Time to do her laundry. I'm whipped. I'm fine with that. I smile. Fold clothes. Time to talk. Nerd butler to the rescue. I need to sit her down, but I can't. I'm distracted. I need to tell her before it's too late. A perfect halo of cold hair and lightning. Tomorrow is a new day.

[Tuesday] Wake up in her arms. She's beautiful. Can't we skip class? No, I suppose not. Better luck next-time. Breakfast. Waffles. om' nom nom'. Class. Can't focus. Not enough sleep. Nod off. She pokes me awake. Focus. Focus. Focus. Walk across campus. Sit on the grass. Sift through her sketchbook. It's fantastic. Class. Exam. Class. Wait. Her place. She cooks. It's delicious. Stew. Best I've ever had. Just Dance. I still suck. Attempt to read. Fail miserably. Retire for the night. Head over heels. I'm in-lesbians. Bring them on. XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX.

+------+ UPDATE #5 +------+


The following video was my weekend. How was yours?

+------+ UPDATE #6 +------+

Tonight we spoke on the phone for close to two hours. I told her over and over again that this wasn't about her, but instead a fault of mine. My heart broke as she began to cry. I'm needy. I'm greedy. I'm selfish. I'm a louse. She's beautiful, and no matter what happens I still adore her. We can't decide whether to be more than friends or go back. If I'm honest with myself; I don't want to return to being simply just friends, but I believe in the long-term that I'll hurt her. Ultimately, I believe that I lack the capacity to have a relationship of this nature with another human being. I'm too broken. She's too wonderful, and I don't deserve her company. She needs someone that will give her the adventures her life deserves. That will provide for her. I tried to reassure her over and over again that I respect her, and that I admire her, and that although those qualities aren't going to change -- that she can walk away from this knowing that there isn't any hard feelings. I don't think she knows what she wants. I don't think I know what I want anymore.

Maybe, I just don't want to break someone's heart. Maybe I'd like to spare someone some pain down the road, and although it'll hurt a little today, I know that it will be easier for them with someone else. I understand that, and even though I hate to admit it to myself it's the truth. It's painful, and it scares me. But this time I'm not going to run.

So people of ASDF, please send me your karma once more. It's a rainy day outside and I'll need every pinch I can manage.

+------+ UPDATE #7 +------+
Tonight we had it out for an hour in the car. When the dust settled, it was clear where we stood.

I, the over-invested fool -- and she, the undeniable queen of vogue. From different worlds we came, and to different worlds we'll return. Thank You for the memories, J. You were always out of my league. Be good.
Last edited by HonestFinn on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:08 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire within.

Post by assdef » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:13 am

Advicedef sez:
  • Compliment her as soon as you see her (you look nice, nice dress, nice shoes, etc.)
  • During the date ask open-ended questions--let her do most of the talking
  • Be confident
  • And at the end, of course, thank her for a lovely time and say you'd like to do it again sometime, but then don't call her to set up a second date until Friday (makes you seem interested but not desperate, which in her mind will equate to confidence, which is super attractive).
That is, of course, unless you "close the deal" on the first date (if you know what I mean). In which case be a gentleman and cook her breakfast the next morning. :wink:

You have all of my spare karma, sir! Good luck!!

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Re: Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire within.

Post by HonestFinn » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:55 am

assdef wrote:That is, of course, unless you "close the deal" on the first date (if you know what I mean). In which case be a gentleman and cook her breakfast the next morning. :wink:
:shock: I-I-I'll ... keep that in mind ...
assdef the love sensei wrote:You have all of my spare karma, sir! Good luck!!
amggg... +5 Karma! Thank you. :D

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Re: Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire within.

Post by atomtengeralattjaro » Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:01 am

Be your best!
I can't be more helpful than assdef, so..
*looks in karma drawer* Here, have these. Make her smile!
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Re: Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire within.

Post by Anonymously Famous » Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:26 pm

In addition to assdef's advice, I would recommend not seeking to "close the deal" on the first date, especially if you want this thing to last.

I wish you luck. The good kind.
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Re: Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire within.

Post by HonestFinn » Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:11 pm

atomtengeralattjaro wrote:*looks in karma drawer* Here, have these. Make her smile!
+3.5 Karma! w00t!
Anonymously Famous wrote:I wish you luck. The good kind.
Moarrrr!! Thank You!! +4.2 Karma!

This brings me to a grand total of, say like, 12 or so Karma! Things are looking up!
:P :P :P :P :P :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: [update] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire withi

Post by assdef » Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:11 pm

So how did the date go???

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Re: [update] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire withi

Post by HonestFinn » Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:25 am

assdef wrote:So how did the date go???
It was fantastic. Thanks again for your words of wisdom and spare karma. To confess; the last few days have been a complete whirlwind for me. I'll outline my week starting with the date on Monday. With that in-mind, let's begin.

[Monday Evening] The date. Picked her up. She's beautiful. Went out for coffee. Delicious. To the movie. Wrong theater. Picked a random flick. Horror film. Walked around for an hour waiting for the film to start. Confessed I hate horror films. Went anyway. Held hands. Heartbeat x 100. Took her home. Walked to the doorstep. Romantic dialogue. Fade to black.

[Tuesday Afternoon] "Let's grab lunch". Deal. She's beautiful. Back at her-place. Met the dog. Growls. Grilled cheese. Start a movie. Dogma. Paused the film. Time for class together. Can't focus. Next class together. Can't focus. Walk her to the bus-stop. Can't say goodbye. Brain. Mush. "Let's finish the movie later". Deal. Back at her place. Evening. Meet the roomies. We're on the couch. Finish the movie. Start a new one. Can't focus. She catches me. Sleep on the couch. Best-worst sleep ever. Heatbeat x1,000. Fade to black.

[Wednesday] Lunch with my father. Gush to him about her. Show him a picture. "She's cute". Text her. Wants a picture of him. "He's adorable". Wants to meet the family. Sometime soon. She's off at five. Pick her up. Back to her place. She showers. She's beautiful. Head up into town to meet a friend. They hit it off. I'm relieved. Ramen. Dessert. Back to her place. Crash in her room. Censored. Heartbeat x 10,000. Best-best sleep ever. I'm in lesbians. Fade to black.

[Thursday] Today. Woke up in her room. Is this real? Pinch is. Gotta' get her up. Don't want to. She's beautiful. Drop her off. "See you in-class". Shower. Pinch myself again. Back to my place. Sleep like crap. Wake up. Head up to campus. Meet her early. Walk to class. Can't focus. Next class. Can't focus. Walk her to the bus-stop. "Goodbye". She's busy tonight. Even still; I hope she calls. For the love of God Almighty I hope she calls. It's too late. I'm head-over-heels. Sitting in my last class of the day, I write this fragmented entry. Can't focus. What's the class? Sigh. I'm really, really in-lesbians. She's beautiful.

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Re: [update.2] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by atomtengeralattjaro » Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:54 am

hooray :D

what do you mean you're "in-lesbians"? is lesbian now a synonym for love?
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Re: [update.2] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by HonestFinn » Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:53 pm

atomtengeralattjaro wrote:hooray :D

what do you mean you're "in-lesbians"? is lesbian now a synonym for love?
lol. You need to see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

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Re: [update.2] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by atomtengeralattjaro » Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:05 pm

haha okay, thanks for clearing that up :mrgreen:
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Re: [update.2] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by HonestFinn » Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:03 am

Day five, summarized with a video.

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Re: [update.2] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by Shai'tan » Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:08 am

That's great! :D
Quote of the Ages:
atomtengeralattjaro wrote:The Forums of ASDF turn, and Pages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Page that gave it birth comes again. On one Page, called the Six Hundred and Ninety Fifth Page by some, a Page yet to come, a Page long past, a post was made by atomtengeralattjaro. The post was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Forums of ASDF. But it was a beginning.

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Re: [update.2] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by assdef » Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:02 am

And they call it, Puppy Love....

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Re: [update.2] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by HonestFinn » Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:50 am

assdef wrote:And they call it, Puppy Love....
[Friday] Wake up at her place. She's beautiful. Drove her down to another city. She'll be away for the weekend. Ugh. How will I survive? Don't think -- Start driving. We eat Thai food at her Uncle's place. He's nice. I drop her off. She waves. My heart drops. We text later. She's fine. I tell her to be safe. Sleep.

[Saturday] Wake up at a friend's place. Where am I? It's awful. I'm love-sick: I know it. Even though I can't see her, she's beautiful. Lunch with friends. Distracted. See an ice-skating rink. Remember to mention that as a potential date-night later. Head into a shop to have my car's oil changed. She calls. I walk around a park while we're on the phone. Beautiful day outside. On the phone, she refer's to herself as 'My Girlfriend', and my heart skips a beat. We start planning Valentines day. She likes chocolate and wolves. Mental bookmark. Regardless: that's too far away for me. I want to see her now, but that's not possible. She has to go. I need to study. Sigh. Sleep. I miss her.

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Re: [update.3] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by atomtengeralattjaro » Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:21 pm

just the weekend, duh, distract yourself. I realize you're in a very ehm.. intense period right now, which is great, but as someone who currently has to miss someone for months at a time, i do envy you.
Yay for chocolate and volwes.. you do realize this calls for a chocolate wolf present?
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Re: [update.3] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by HonestFinn » Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:37 pm

atomtengeralattjaro wrote:as someone who currently has to miss someone for months at a time, i do envy you.
This is maximum sad -- My heart really goes out to you.
I hope you're able to do something special for them on Valentines day. :D
atomthegreat wrote:Yay for chocolate and volwes.. you do realize this calls for a chocolate wolf present?
Indeed. I was thinking something along the lines of this.
She's also a fan of the 'Just Dance' games. So, I'm kinda-sorta-maybe trying to learn this ↓. Maybe. Don't imagine it.

First round of exams < Learning a dance game in the name of lesbians. Le sigh.

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Re: [update.3] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by assdef » Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:32 pm

atomtengeralattjaro wrote:as someone who currently has to miss someone for months at a time, i do envy you.
At least you have someone to miss.

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Re: [update.3] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by Greyson » Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:47 am

assdef wrote:
atomtengeralattjaro wrote:as someone who currently has to miss someone for months at a time, i do envy you.
At least you have someone to miss.
Yeah ;n;
Since I never had a gf before I do envy you guys just for being able to spend time with the people you love. Even if they aren't there with you all the time, they are with you in spirit, aren't they?

Damn... Why do I have to be so socially awkward and shy and all that stuff?!!

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Re: [update.3] Do you have any spare good-karma? Inquire wit

Post by HonestFinn » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:26 am

assdef wrote:At least you have someone to miss.
grayson wrote:Yeah ;n;
:idea: I'm now sending positive karma you'z guy'z way.
:arrow: Think 8-Mile. Know the moment when it comes. Just pump it.


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