I am a student from China

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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:56 am

Froggychum wrote:
Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:04 pm
There are also fewer people in Northwest China because of the high terrain, thin air, inconvenient transportation and poor contact with the outside world. And the terrain is not conducive to the development of agriculture, and the food is limited.
That makes sense. I know that north of China there is Mongolia, which I believe has one of the lowest population densities of all countries in the world.
I'm sorry I can't open your picture, but if you upload the picture file directly, I should be able to see it, because I have successfully transmitted a picture before.
Sorry, I keep forgetting that image hosting doesn't load for you.

Let me try the attachment feature:


Did that work?
It seems that drugs are legal in Canada, but in my personal understanding, this is very bad, because the harm of drugs is very serious, and there is no tolerance for drugs in China.
The only drug that is legal here is weed. Well, it has many names so maybe it does not translate well. It is also called cannabis or marijuana. I could probably go for a while but I figure one of those terms will work.

This was a recent decision. I support it because marijuana is generally not very harmful, and a lot of people were imprisoned for simply having it on their person. At most, I have heard some people get nausea, headaches and slight paranoia from using it, and so they choose to stop. The main use of weed is in medicine as pain relief, and for recreation. People who do weed are called stoners or potheads which can be used in both a derogatory or non-derogatory way depending on context.

In recreation, people use it for relaxation and some people just like 'getting high' which I think is okay as long as they can still function in society and contribute to society. Marijuana is scientifically proven to NOT be addictive. In fact, it is actually possible to behave and even work while high on weed. It is not a hallucinogenic either.

As for other (more harmful) drugs, I don't remember exactly but I believe some have been decriminalized, which means that they are still an illegal thing to buy and sell, but people are not getting arrested and facing charges for being addicted to them. I support this because it means that we can set up social programs to help people break their addictions.

Some examples of harmful drugs used in Canada include heroin and cocaine. I have been told by my mother that she has noticed some of our previous neighbors were doing cocaine. They had to move somewhere else a year ago because of losing all their money to feed their addiction. It was unfortunate, but they were bad people who took advantage of my mother's generosity a lot, and they were also violent towards her one time. I am sorry for where they are in life, but I don't hesitate to call them bad people. I'm happy they have left.

Heroine is probably the worse of those two. Apparently, Canada has been going through an 'opiod epidemic' and a trending drug nowadays is called Fentanyl (or carfentanyl) which is extremely dangerous due to how many people overdose on it and die.

Basically, we have also created designated locations for addicts to do drugs. This sounded very weird to me at first, and even shocking! I asked my mother why we were giving people a place to do drugs, but she told me it would not encourage people to start heroin, but rather the purpose is to have these places so that emergency medics can stay nearby to prevent overdoses, and hand out clean needles to prevent infections.

Canada also has started selling a heroin substitute called Methadone, which is used by pharmacies to stave off some of the addiction while keeping them healthy and away from heroine which is destructive. These places are called methadone clinics, because they sell to people with requests for it. Of course, this has to be done in writing by medical professionals. Not any person can just go buy Methadone for fun.

for a long time I thought drug addicts were all worthless, but then I listened to some stories about how they were forced to live, and now I appreciate how much effort it takes to get out of an addictive substance. I think it is humane for us to try and make them comfortable while we encourage them to become clean.

Because, addicts will find a way to get their drugs, even in prisons they can get them. There is no harm to society with having them be treated like people who are suffering from a disorder, rather than treating them like evil criminals.

I will say though that I understand addicts do more crime than most people. I don't think they should get any leeway for robbery or assault, even if I sympathize with their struggles.

Also, I think some recreational drugs should be allowed in society, because I value freedom. However, I think harmful drugs should not be available for purchase and social services should be available to help addicts overcome their drug use.

In the united states of america (Canada's southern sister-country) the situation is even more extreme, and to my knowledge also has become complicated because of the Drug War started by Nixon in the 1970s (roughly). Racial minorities suffer the most drug-related crimes, for socioeconomic reasons. I don't live there, but I think it would be good if they re-thought how heavily they punish people for extremely minor crimes like having a single gram of marijuana in a bag at your house.

Sorry that was long , but I guess I am more passionate about this issue then I realized.
I'm looking forward to snow.
A little bit of snow is super beautiful!

A lot of snow is absolutely hellish. Especially when it lasts six or more months straight. Canada can get an amount of snow up to an average man's waist, depending on the weather.
I have a sister who loves me very much. She is seven years older than me. If she gets married in the future, I think I may be very sad.
This warms my heart. I hope you and your sister keep a good relationship, and that you both find loving and kind spouses (unless you do not want to ever marry, then I still wish you happiness)
If you can, can you tell me about your etiology. Although I don't know anything about it.
I had to search the internet for what 'etiology' means. I think I understand the question now.

Basically, I have several neurological conditions, ever since birth. Some of them are diagnosed fairly commonly in Canada.

To my memory, I have autism (specifically, asperger's syndrome), borderline ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and ODD (oppositional defiant disorder).

These are all very complicated (obviously, doctors study for many years), but I can simply explain what I have felt:
- Autism causes me to struggle with some kinds of empathy as well as social norms like sarcasm or eye contact. I also often suffer sensory overload, which can cause me to become uncomfortable or even have a breakdown. This is rare, since I am an adult and have learned to control myself better.
- OCD is something which causes me to feel inclined to perform various 'rituals' (no religious meaning intended) or else I will become mentally irritable. You can think of it like an imaginary itch which is only soothed if you do the rituals. These things include mostly silly stuff - such as turning the lights on and off three times before leaving a room - such as washing your hands three times instead of just once - such as constantly orienting your carpets or paintings to always be perfectly straight and without wrinkles. Another thing OCD causes is nervous tics, which are basically just strange movements that I feel compelled to do to feel comfortable. This could include blinking your eyes shut very hard, or splaying your fingers out, or cracking your neck back. These tics appear unusual and weird too other people, and they also can actually increase anxiety instead of decrease it. Some people get stuck in tic spirals, where they keep doing these tics for several minutes. These tics are not uncontrollable spasms, like with other diseases, but rather they are chosen to be done in order to try and alleviate anxiety caused from not doing them.
- ODD is kind of funny, but also one that has caused me the most harm I think. It is a disorder which basically makes me inclined to angrily reject anything I am told to do. Basically, if something is phrased to me as a demand, I get an instinctual response of anger and refusal. This is not even limited to words. I have had dreams where I try to walk through a door, and it closes in front of me. My subconscious brain interprets this as unfair , as a violation and as a force of adversity against me. Thus, I became angered. I have gotten better at controlling this, and I do not have outbursts anymore from it.
- ADHD is worse for many people, mine is quite minor. Hence, it is called borderline. The main issue I get from ADHD is that I have trouble focusing.

It should be noted that if I could cure OCD, ODD and ADHD I would. But I would always choose to have autism. the reason is that Autism is a strange condition which basically is a part of an Autistic person's personality. There is no clear line between where their sense of self and creative expression ends, and where the neurological difference begins.

Also, I am extremely blessed, because my autism is a high-functioning kind, which means that I am mostly similar to other people, except some differences. I have known people with such severe autism that they are totally non-verbal and have a range of communication barely more expressive than infants, even if they are in their 30s. This is not an exaggeration, the most severe autism can be considered an intellectual deficiency. Sadly, many autistic people may seem extremely crippled on the outside, but internally they are actually as developed as normal adults, except they are unable to physically express themselves, and so appear to be totally incapable people. This is tragic, I think.
If it is really useful for the disease, it should still be used. If it is not helpful to the body, I don't think I will accept it. Of course, it depends on how you feel.
I stopped taking that med. I have been fine. I think I may have been very anxious about university, and overestimated how little of an attention span I would have. So far, I have done well in my classes.
I am a healthy person. At least so far, I have not found any serious diseases.
I also consider myself 'healthy', because all my conditions are internal and mental. Honestly, I am so happy to have come so far.

I remember when I was 4 to 12 years old, my brain did not work properly. I was equally as smart, funny and creative as I am today (well except for the years of knowledge gained of course) but I did not experience reality in the same way as everyone else.

It is hard to explain, but the best way I can describe it is with a narrative illustration:

While walking down a hallway, someone bumps their shoulder lightly on the wall and grumbles before moving on.

While walking down a hallway, which makes my young self disoriented, I struggle as I focus extremely hard on making sure to 'walk on the right way', which is anguishing for me, because I don't know if I am supposed to walk on the right-hand side of the hallway, or if I am supposed to walk with my right-foot being given special intention? Does that mean I need to hop around on one leg, or do I need to limp with my left leg as though it is not carrying my weight?

Anyone else would realize this is a silly thought, but my younger self would be anxious about what would happen if I did the wrong thing. I wanted to prove that I was smart and capable, like anyone, so I decided to do both things so neither possible direction would be failed!

But, just as I make that decision, I hit my shoulder! It doesn't hurt, but it is extremely annoying, because I have been pulled from my thoughts. Now, I feel as if my decision can no longer be made, since the moment I was 'using' to make that choice was ruined by coincidence.

Of course, that is nonsensical. But my brain is wired in a way where it is just that upsetting, and that is the way I perceive it. Of course, I cannot grumble this off. Because now I have to make another choice! I was told to walk on the right way, but I can not walk on the right-hand side and also use my right-foot only. What now?
This situation is kind of dragging on, so I'm going to stop there. I will say two quick things

1. This was actually a fairly tame situation for me to have been in... when it came to direct communication, things were multiple times worse than when I was simply alone and in my head like this.

2. To summarize, if you want a similar experience to untreated autism, just bash yourself in the head until you feel disoriented and confused about every single thing that you come across. Then, fall asleep into a nightmare which is a repeat of all of that, except you are lucid and aware you are dreaming, but you still cannot help but get just as mad again by everything that happens.
So I may not be able to imagine your pain, but I sincerely hope that your disease can be treated and recover as soon as possible.
I've taken various forms of mental health assistance over the years, and of course my mother was always extremely patient and attentive to her two sons. I also take medication to alleviate some of the symptoms.

Thankfully, besides some eccentricities and a generally higher barrier to begin tasks, my brain follows the same patterns everyone else does. I am extremely happy that my mind is no longer such an alien, unrecognizable horror show!


this was probably my longest response yet. I feel like I spent a lot of time talking about things which have to do with me or my beliefs, and not a lot of time talking about things you said about yourself, or asking new questions.

I hope i did not come off as too self-centered. I obviously have more things to say about my life than the other stuff, but I don't want to annoy you by only talking about myself.

Anyway, since I mostly wrote this in a 'stream of consciousness' manner it is probable I miscommunicated some things or just mixed up some details.

please take your time to read and respond, your studies are much more important than spending time listening to me :wink: :wink: :wink:
I'm sorry for the hurry in the last reply, because I don't have many opportunities to use computers at school. And last month our computer room was disconnected because our teacher thought using the Internet during school would interfere with learning.
Yesterday was National Day, so I had a five-day holiday. It allows me to go home and get some rest.

It works. I can see the pictures you sent
I am curious about how it would feel if a native English speaker wrote an English test paper in our country. If you'd like to try, I'll find a test paper next time.

There's no problem with the translation, because all three words mean marijuana, right

I only know the name of these drugs, because I have not seen them since I was a child, I only saw people taking drugs in movies and television works.
There are drug addicts everywhere, which is terrible, because 200 years ago, our country went through the Opium War.
So in my opinion, the legalization of drugs is a terrible thing, even if some may not have great effects on the body.

E-cigarettes have recently become popular in China, but many minors are tempted by the fruity taste to try them and, in turn, smoke traditional cigarettes. It's a poison coated in sugar. So our country banned the sale of fruit-flavored e-cigarettes on October 1 this year, which may be hard for some e-cigarette lovers. But it is necessary for the health of more non-smokers.

There is a big difference in the temperature between the two days where I live. The highest temperature will be 38 degrees Celsius tomorrow and only 13 degrees Celsius in two days.
A little snow is really beautiful, but the amount of snow falls on the ground will melt away, there is no snow on the ground. The right amount of snow can be a snowball fight with friends or make a snowman.
I haven't seen snow that lasts for months. It's rare to see snow that lasts for a few days here.

I saw Neil Hilborn's speech and it left a deep impression on me.
These mental illnesses are indeed very complex, and after listening to your description, I looked up some materials on the Internet and got a little understanding.
I am surprised that these problems can have a serious impact on your life, but fortunately you have a good situation and are moving in a better direction.

What surprised me was also your expression ability. Your description was very good and explained the trouble of mental illness. Even if I used translation software, I could understand what you expressed. And that got me thinking.
Hopefully you'll be able to get off the medication and get out of this mess.

I would like to share two songs with you. I don't know if you have heard Chinese songs before, so I recommend two English songs: Whatever It Takes. One of the singers is named Convolk, and since this song has a lot of names, it should take a while to find out. Another New Rules piece: Pasta
I like to listen to many songs, which make me relax in study or other things, and music can bring me different feelings.
And some good pure music to share with you next time
Thank you for your patient reply. It took me a little time to read it, but it's not a problem. It's also learning for me.

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Re: I am a student from China

Post by Froggychum » Sun Oct 02, 2022 7:02 pm

I'm sorry for the hurry in the last reply, because I don't have many opportunities to use computers at school. And last month our computer room was disconnected because our teacher thought using the Internet during school would interfere with learning.
Yesterday was National Day, so I had a five-day holiday. It allows me to go home and get some rest.
I am relieved to hear from you. I was a little worried I over-shared and made you feel awkward.
It works. I can see the pictures you sent
Hurray! I will do it this way from now on, then.
I am curious about how it would feel if a native English speaker wrote an English test paper in our country. If you'd like to try, I'll find a test paper next time.
I think I know what you mean. I would be willing to do that, but not if it has many pages or asks for personal information. Otherwise, I can do it :)
There's no problem with the translation, because all three words mean marijuana, right
I only know the name of these drugs, because I have not seen them since I was a child, I only saw people taking drugs in movies and television works. There are drug addicts everywhere, which is terrible, because 200 years ago, our country went through the Opium War.
So in my opinion, the legalization of drugs is a terrible thing, even if some may not have great effects on the body.
That is understandable. The Opium War was very tragic, so I understand your hesitant perspective.
E-cigarettes have recently become popular in China, but many minors are tempted by the fruity taste to try them and, in turn, smoke traditional cigarettes. It's a poison coated in sugar. So our country banned the sale of fruit-flavored e-cigarettes on October 1 this year, which may be hard for some e-cigarette lovers. But it is necessary for the health of more non-smokers.
I agree with you on this. We also have E-cigarettes in Canada (we sometimes call it 'vaping' which hopefully translates differentl from 'smoking'). At first I was excited for them because I hoped they would help cigarette addicts quit their habit (like Nicotine patches or other treatment), but the companies who make them have started putting more addicting chemicals into them and even started branding them to children with their flavors.

So, in my opinion they should be banned, since they have been mostly corrupted from their original purpose.

I would still hope that there is a future where they can be manufactured and delivered in such a way that they do help people to quit smoking, without having their own harmful effects or trying to capture children.
There is a big difference in the temperature between the two days where I live. The highest temperature will be 38 degrees Celsius tomorrow and only 13 degrees Celsius in two days.
A little snow is really beautiful, but the amount of snow falls on the ground will melt away, there is no snow on the ground. The right amount of snow can be a snowball fight with friends or make a snowman.
I haven't seen snow that lasts for months. It's rare to see snow that lasts for a few days here.
Wow. That is a big difference!

As for snowfall, I can only say that it is enjoyable - but not when it lasts for eight months of the year. Canada has had blizzards in July before. It gets worse every year because of climate change :-(
I saw Neil Hilborn's speech and it left a deep impression on me.
These mental illnesses are indeed very complex, and after listening to your description, I looked up some materials on the Internet and got a little understanding.
I am surprised that these problems can have a serious impact on your life, but fortunately you have a good situation and are moving in a better direction.
I will look at this speech. It sounds interesting!
What surprised me was also your expression ability. Your description was very good and explained the trouble of mental illness. Even if I used translation software, I could understand what you expressed. And that got me thinking.
Hopefully you'll be able to get off the medication and get out of this mess.
Thank you. I am very fortunate because I (and my twin brother) were born with 'high-functioning' autsim. This means that we do have issues, but it does not affect our general intelligence. In fact, we both have very high IQs and are very gifted.

I quit my new medication because it was causing me worse problems. I started school without it, and I have been doing okay despite there definitely being some troubles. I will say that my anxiety probably made me over-estimate how hard it would be to focus. I have actually been able to focus well in classes, for the most part :-)
I would like to share two songs with you. I don't know if you have heard Chinese songs before, so I recommend two English songs: Whatever It Takes. One of the singers is named Convolk, and since this song has a lot of names, it should take a while to find out. Another New Rules piece: Pasta
I like to listen to many songs, which make me relax in study or other things, and music can bring me different feelings.
And some good pure music to share with you next time
Thank you for your patient reply. It took me a little time to read it, but it's not a problem. It's also learning for me.
I have only listened to one Chinese song before. It is called "剪梅" which roughly translates as "Yi Jian Mei" or "One Trim of Plum Blossom".

I first found it because it was used in meme compilations. But I actually found it extremely peaceful, so I decided to save it in a playlist on YouTube.

Because of this song, I learned two Chinese words (though I do not know how to conjugate them properly, since Chinese grammar is very difficult for me). "Bei" should mean "north" and "Feng" should mean "Wind". I really like the sound of both of these words.

I will listen to the two English songs you sent me! If I enjoy them, here is my thanks in advance :-)

Looking forward to speaking with you again :-)
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:14 pm

Froggychum wrote:
Sun Oct 02, 2022 7:02 pm
I'm sorry for the hurry in the last reply, because I don't have many opportunities to use computers at school. And last month our computer room was disconnected because our teacher thought using the Internet during school would interfere with learning.
Yesterday was National Day, so I had a five-day holiday. It allows me to go home and get some rest.
I am relieved to hear from you. I was a little worried I over-shared and made you feel awkward.
It works. I can see the pictures you sent
Hurray! I will do it this way from now on, then.
I am curious about how it would feel if a native English speaker wrote an English test paper in our country. If you'd like to try, I'll find a test paper next time.
I think I know what you mean. I would be willing to do that, but not if it has many pages or asks for personal information. Otherwise, I can do it :)
There's no problem with the translation, because all three words mean marijuana, right
I only know the name of these drugs, because I have not seen them since I was a child, I only saw people taking drugs in movies and television works. There are drug addicts everywhere, which is terrible, because 200 years ago, our country went through the Opium War.
So in my opinion, the legalization of drugs is a terrible thing, even if some may not have great effects on the body.
That is understandable. The Opium War was very tragic, so I understand your hesitant perspective.
E-cigarettes have recently become popular in China, but many minors are tempted by the fruity taste to try them and, in turn, smoke traditional cigarettes. It's a poison coated in sugar. So our country banned the sale of fruit-flavored e-cigarettes on October 1 this year, which may be hard for some e-cigarette lovers. But it is necessary for the health of more non-smokers.
I agree with you on this. We also have E-cigarettes in Canada (we sometimes call it 'vaping' which hopefully translates differentl from 'smoking'). At first I was excited for them because I hoped they would help cigarette addicts quit their habit (like Nicotine patches or other treatment), but the companies who make them have started putting more addicting chemicals into them and even started branding them to children with their flavors.

So, in my opinion they should be banned, since they have been mostly corrupted from their original purpose.

I would still hope that there is a future where they can be manufactured and delivered in such a way that they do help people to quit smoking, without having their own harmful effects or trying to capture children.
There is a big difference in the temperature between the two days where I live. The highest temperature will be 38 degrees Celsius tomorrow and only 13 degrees Celsius in two days.
A little snow is really beautiful, but the amount of snow falls on the ground will melt away, there is no snow on the ground. The right amount of snow can be a snowball fight with friends or make a snowman.
I haven't seen snow that lasts for months. It's rare to see snow that lasts for a few days here.
Wow. That is a big difference!

As for snowfall, I can only say that it is enjoyable - but not when it lasts for eight months of the year. Canada has had blizzards in July before. It gets worse every year because of climate change :-(
I saw Neil Hilborn's speech and it left a deep impression on me.
These mental illnesses are indeed very complex, and after listening to your description, I looked up some materials on the Internet and got a little understanding.
I am surprised that these problems can have a serious impact on your life, but fortunately you have a good situation and are moving in a better direction.
I will look at this speech. It sounds interesting!
What surprised me was also your expression ability. Your description was very good and explained the trouble of mental illness. Even if I used translation software, I could understand what you expressed. And that got me thinking.
Hopefully you'll be able to get off the medication and get out of this mess.
Thank you. I am very fortunate because I (and my twin brother) were born with 'high-functioning' autsim. This means that we do have issues, but it does not affect our general intelligence. In fact, we both have very high IQs and are very gifted.

I quit my new medication because it was causing me worse problems. I started school without it, and I have been doing okay despite there definitely being some troubles. I will say that my anxiety probably made me over-estimate how hard it would be to focus. I have actually been able to focus well in classes, for the most part :-)
I would like to share two songs with you. I don't know if you have heard Chinese songs before, so I recommend two English songs: Whatever It Takes. One of the singers is named Convolk, and since this song has a lot of names, it should take a while to find out. Another New Rules piece: Pasta
I like to listen to many songs, which make me relax in study or other things, and music can bring me different feelings.
And some good pure music to share with you next time
Thank you for your patient reply. It took me a little time to read it, but it's not a problem. It's also learning for me.
I have only listened to one Chinese song before. It is called "剪梅" which roughly translates as "Yi Jian Mei" or "One Trim of Plum Blossom".

I first found it because it was used in meme compilations. But I actually found it extremely peaceful, so I decided to save it in a playlist on YouTube.

Because of this song, I learned two Chinese words (though I do not know how to conjugate them properly, since Chinese grammar is very difficult for me). "Bei" should mean "north" and "Feng" should mean "Wind". I really like the sound of both of these words.

I will listen to the two English songs you sent me! If I enjoy them, here is my thanks in advance :-)

Looking forward to speaking with you again :-)
This is not over sharing. I'd love to hear you share something

The English test paper is a paper test paper that we usually write. In fact, there are only 30 questions in it

I took a test paper as an example. Unless you have enough time to do this test paper, you should spend your time in useful places, because it only satisfies my curiosity. It is selfish to waste your time in this way.

Yes, the electronic cigarette was originally proposed to help quit smoking, but now it has run counter to the original idea.

It would be a good thing if they could regain their original intention and help people quit smoking

This sounds cool. One of my favorite Japanese singers, Mi Yuanxuan, was diagnosed with high functional autism in 2011. He was silent off stage, but he was an all-round genius on stage! I like his songs very much.

In fact, I often lose my mind in class, which often causes me to miss many knowledge points. But this is very normal. Sometimes some small things trigger associations, and then my thoughts drift to the distance.

Only a few people can keep their concentration in class, which is also related to whether the teacher is interesting. Most people can't keep their concentration when listening to some complicated things.

This may not be scientific, but in my learning career, this is experience. All of you should be confident, not anxious, even if occasionally unable to maintain focus, this is normal. No one can be in a daze.

I am surprised that you can find out the Chinese name of the song. Your translation is correct, but the Chinese name is missing a "one". Its translation may be one, or there are other usages. I wrote the song name at the bottom, and there is Beihe Feng, but my English is not very beautiful.
It is really difficult for people whose mother tongue is not Chinese to understand Chinese, but I also have some problems in learning English grammar, because students in China learn English only to pass exams.

I hope you like it. I can't fully understand the meaning of the words when listening to these songs, so most of them are listening to the music and his voice. Only by comparing the translation of the lyrics can I understand what he sings.

I'm looking forward to your reply. It's already late at night when I finish writing this. I'm going to bed.
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:22 pm

I'm looking forward to your reply. It's already late at night when I finish writing this. I'm going to bed.
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:27 pm

阿冬. wrote:
Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:22 pm
I'm looking forward to your reply. It's already late at night when I finish writing this. I'm going to bed.
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:29 pm

阿冬. wrote:
Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:22 pm
I'm looking forward to your reply. It's already late at night when I finish writing this. I'm going to bed.
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Mon Oct 03, 2022 5:45 pm

The text I write takes up too much and cannot be posted on the website. It's too late. I really need to go to bed

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JKL;'s Nightmare
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by Froggychum » Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:26 pm

Ughh :x :x :x

So annoying... I just wrote down answers until question 70, but then I lost my progress :( :(

I will try and write it again with the time I have left.
I attached my thoughts below my answers. They are in spoiler tags - so they do not take up so much space.

61. Look, <what a> nice picture it is!
This one is a little tricky, because "look how nice a picture it is" is actually correct in English, but "look how a nice picture it is" is not
62. I take a walk every day after supper. It has been my <habit> for many years.
"order" would only work if someone had commanded the speaker to take walks after dinner. "turn" would only work if only one person was allowed to walk at a time. "chance" does not make sense.
63. <Both> cats and dogs are lovely and interesting.
This one is difficult but I can explain it well, I think. "Either" is closest, but you would have to change "cats and dogs" to "cats or dogs", because the word "Either" is used to signal one choice from two total choices. While "both" signals two choices from two total choices. "Each" and "every" mean the same thing, but would only work if you made the sentence singular instead of plural (you would need to remove the 's' at the end of your two nouns and replace "are" with "is")
64. It's getting colder and colder. Ann is preparing some food <for> winter.
"on" does not make sense. "at" would mean Ann does not prepare food until after Winter has already started. "by" is close to perfect, but would work better as "Ann <will prepare> some food <by> winter".
65. It's time for me to go home. I <have been> away for months.
"am" does not fit the wording. "had been" and "was" both work for the second sentence in isolation, but they are past-tense so they break the present-tense established in the first sentence
66. David is <so> weak that he can hardly walk.
this is the only one that fits this exact sentence. If you phrase it differently, all of them can work. Examples are "David is too weak. He can hardly walk", "David is very weak. He can hardly walk" and "David is weak, such that he can hardly walk"
67. Learning is life. You can <improve> yourself by learning something new every day.
"limit" would mean that you are hurting your future by learning, which is not true. "lose" would mean that you are going crazy by leanring, which does not happen in reality. "respect" is actually almost perfect, and is definitely true (I feel respect for myself whenever I learn things) but it would fit better with a slight change. If you wanted to use "respect", then "by" should be changed to "for".
68. "My pleasure"
"good idea" is something to say after being given advice, not after being thanked for helping someone. "Me too" does not make any sense at all. "All right" actually works, but is probably very rude since you would be acknowledging their thanks without accepting it. I would also like to let you know that "my pleasure" is correct, but not used very commonly. The most common thing to say after being thanked, is to say "You're welcome". It is also acceptable to say "no problem" if you are in a casual environment. "No problem" makes people feel relaxed, because yu are telling them that it did not cost you anything to help them. Of course, if someone gives you are heartfelt thank you for doing something really important for them, answering "no problem" would instead become a bad response because it would be like telling them that it was all meaningless to you
69. I'm new here. I <started> to work here a month ago.
I am not 100% confident on this answer. I am 90% confident, but there is a 10% chance that "had started" could also be used. This one sounds the most appropriate to me.
70. These animals can move without making a sound <although> they are very heavy.
"as if" would be irrational because it would be stating that heavy animals make less noise than less heavy animals, which is false. "so that" would be irrational because it would be stating that being silent causes animals to gain weight, which is also false. Lastly, "until" would be the most irrational of all, because it would be stating that the animals will gain weight by avoiding loud noises, but once they have become fat they lose the ability to lower their volume. None of these make sense, but they all make me imagine some very funny creatures hahahahaha
Anyway, I think I'm done for now. I will probably do some more later, but for now I have finished
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Tue Oct 04, 2022 6:50 am

Froggychum wrote:
Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:26 pm
Ughh :x :x :x

So annoying... I just wrote down answers until question 70, but then I lost my progress :( :(

I will try and write it again with the time I have left.
I attached my thoughts below my answers. They are in spoiler tags - so they do not take up so much space.

61. Look, <what a> nice picture it is!
This one is a little tricky, because "look how nice a picture it is" is actually correct in English, but "look how a nice picture it is" is not
62. I take a walk every day after supper. It has been my <habit> for many years.
"order" would only work if someone had commanded the speaker to take walks after dinner. "turn" would only work if only one person was allowed to walk at a time. "chance" does not make sense.
63. <Both> cats and dogs are lovely and interesting.
This one is difficult but I can explain it well, I think. "Either" is closest, but you would have to change "cats and dogs" to "cats or dogs", because the word "Either" is used to signal one choice from two total choices. While "both" signals two choices from two total choices. "Each" and "every" mean the same thing, but would only work if you made the sentence singular instead of plural (you would need to remove the 's' at the end of your two nouns and replace "are" with "is")
64. It's getting colder and colder. Ann is preparing some food <for> winter.
"on" does not make sense. "at" would mean Ann does not prepare food until after Winter has already started. "by" is close to perfect, but would work better as "Ann <will prepare> some food <by> winter".
65. It's time for me to go home. I <have been> away for months.
"am" does not fit the wording. "had been" and "was" both work for the second sentence in isolation, but they are past-tense so they break the present-tense established in the first sentence
66. David is <so> weak that he can hardly walk.
this is the only one that fits this exact sentence. If you phrase it differently, all of them can work. Examples are "David is too weak. He can hardly walk", "David is very weak. He can hardly walk" and "David is weak, such that he can hardly walk"
67. Learning is life. You can <improve> yourself by learning something new every day.
"limit" would mean that you are hurting your future by learning, which is not true. "lose" would mean that you are going crazy by leanring, which does not happen in reality. "respect" is actually almost perfect, and is definitely true (I feel respect for myself whenever I learn things) but it would fit better with a slight change. If you wanted to use "respect", then "by" should be changed to "for".
68. "My pleasure"
"good idea" is something to say after being given advice, not after being thanked for helping someone. "Me too" does not make any sense at all. "All right" actually works, but is probably very rude since you would be acknowledging their thanks without accepting it. I would also like to let you know that "my pleasure" is correct, but not used very commonly. The most common thing to say after being thanked, is to say "You're welcome". It is also acceptable to say "no problem" if you are in a casual environment. "No problem" makes people feel relaxed, because yu are telling them that it did not cost you anything to help them. Of course, if someone gives you are heartfelt thank you for doing something really important for them, answering "no problem" would instead become a bad response because it would be like telling them that it was all meaningless to you
69. I'm new here. I <started> to work here a month ago.
I am not 100% confident on this answer. I am 90% confident, but there is a 10% chance that "had started" could also be used. This one sounds the most appropriate to me.
70. These animals can move without making a sound <although> they are very heavy.
"as if" would be irrational because it would be stating that heavy animals make less noise than less heavy animals, which is false. "so that" would be irrational because it would be stating that being silent causes animals to gain weight, which is also false. Lastly, "until" would be the most irrational of all, because it would be stating that the animals will gain weight by avoiding loud noises, but once they have become fat they lose the ability to lower their volume. None of these make sense, but they all make me imagine some very funny creatures hahahahaha
Anyway, I think I'm done for now. I will probably do some more later, but for now I have finished
Wow! absolutely right.

Thank you very much for solving these problems and attaching your solution process

Your idea of solving problems is very helpful to me. It's better to learn English from native speakers.
I will carefully study and understand the process of your topic.

Thanks again!

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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Thu Jul 20, 2023 1:02 pm

Froggychum wrote:
Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:26 pm
Ughh :x :x :x

So annoying... I just wrote down answers until question 70, but then I lost my progress :( :(

I will try and write it again with the time I have left.
I attached my thoughts below my answers. They are in spoiler tags - so they do not take up so much space.

61. Look, <what a> nice picture it is!
This one is a little tricky, because "look how nice a picture it is" is actually correct in English, but "look how a nice picture it is" is not
62. I take a walk every day after supper. It has been my <habit> for many years.
"order" would only work if someone had commanded the speaker to take walks after dinner. "turn" would only work if only one person was allowed to walk at a time. "chance" does not make sense.
63. <Both> cats and dogs are lovely and interesting.
This one is difficult but I can explain it well, I think. "Either" is closest, but you would have to change "cats and dogs" to "cats or dogs", because the word "Either" is used to signal one choice from two total choices. While "both" signals two choices from two total choices. "Each" and "every" mean the same thing, but would only work if you made the sentence singular instead of plural (you would need to remove the 's' at the end of your two nouns and replace "are" with "is")
64. It's getting colder and colder. Ann is preparing some food <for> winter.
"on" does not make sense. "at" would mean Ann does not prepare food until after Winter has already started. "by" is close to perfect, but would work better as "Ann <will prepare> some food <by> winter".
65. It's time for me to go home. I <have been> away for months.
"am" does not fit the wording. "had been" and "was" both work for the second sentence in isolation, but they are past-tense so they break the present-tense established in the first sentence
66. David is <so> weak that he can hardly walk.
this is the only one that fits this exact sentence. If you phrase it differently, all of them can work. Examples are "David is too weak. He can hardly walk", "David is very weak. He can hardly walk" and "David is weak, such that he can hardly walk"
67. Learning is life. You can <improve> yourself by learning something new every day.
"limit" would mean that you are hurting your future by learning, which is not true. "lose" would mean that you are going crazy by leanring, which does not happen in reality. "respect" is actually almost perfect, and is definitely true (I feel respect for myself whenever I learn things) but it would fit better with a slight change. If you wanted to use "respect", then "by" should be changed to "for".
68. "My pleasure"
"good idea" is something to say after being given advice, not after being thanked for helping someone. "Me too" does not make any sense at all. "All right" actually works, but is probably very rude since you would be acknowledging their thanks without accepting it. I would also like to let you know that "my pleasure" is correct, but not used very commonly. The most common thing to say after being thanked, is to say "You're welcome". It is also acceptable to say "no problem" if you are in a casual environment. "No problem" makes people feel relaxed, because yu are telling them that it did not cost you anything to help them. Of course, if someone gives you are heartfelt thank you for doing something really important for them, answering "no problem" would instead become a bad response because it would be like telling them that it was all meaningless to you
69. I'm new here. I <started> to work here a month ago.
I am not 100% confident on this answer. I am 90% confident, but there is a 10% chance that "had started" could also be used. This one sounds the most appropriate to me.
70. These animals can move without making a sound <although> they are very heavy.
"as if" would be irrational because it would be stating that heavy animals make less noise than less heavy animals, which is false. "so that" would be irrational because it would be stating that being silent causes animals to gain weight, which is also false. Lastly, "until" would be the most irrational of all, because it would be stating that the animals will gain weight by avoiding loud noises, but once they have become fat they lose the ability to lower their volume. None of these make sense, but they all make me imagine some very funny creatures hahahahaha
Anyway, I think I'm done for now. I will probably do some more later, but for now I have finished
Long time no see my friend, I successfully got into university and had the longest vacation of my life. I have so much to share with you.

I couldn't access this website at home, so I learned to bypass the wall to access the Internet, but this is not allowed in our country. The good news is that I can see the picture you posted earlier. If we're just chatting about homework, this should be fine.

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Re: I am a student from China

Post by Froggychum » Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:22 pm

Long time no see my friend, I successfully got into university and had the longest vacation of my life. I have so much to share with you.
Congratulations on your success! It is very exciting to hear from you again!

I hope your long vacation was enjoyable!
I couldn't access this website at home, so I learned to bypass the wall to access the Internet, but this is not allowed in our country. The good news is that I can see the picture you posted earlier. If we're just chatting about homework, this should be fine.
You did not have to put so much effort into finding this website again, but it is really heartwarming that you did so. It shows that you value our discussions!

I look forward to talking to you more about whatever topics you are comfortable with!


As for me, I am currently on break for the summer. However, this year I got my first ever job! It is really difficult and I am very tired, but I am really proud of myself for making money by my own efforts. I also made a friend at work, and we plan to hang out in the future!

Soon I will be returning to my second year of university. I actually want to go back, unlike when I started, because I believe it will be a lot less stressful than my current schedule.

Also my school is less filthy than where I work, hahaha
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:25 am

Froggychum wrote:
Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:22 pm
Long time no see my friend, I successfully got into university and had the longest vacation of my life. I have so much to share with you.
Congratulations on your success! It is very exciting to hear from you again!

I hope your long vacation was enjoyable!
I couldn't access this website at home, so I learned to bypass the wall to access the Internet, but this is not allowed in our country. The good news is that I can see the picture you posted earlier. If we're just chatting about homework, this should be fine.
You did not have to put so much effort into finding this website again, but it is really heartwarming that you did so. It shows that you value our discussions!

I look forward to talking to you more about whatever topics you are comfortable with!


As for me, I am currently on break for the summer. However, this year I got my first ever job! It is really difficult and I am very tired, but I am really proud of myself for making money by my own efforts. I also made a friend at work, and we plan to hang out in the future!

Soon I will be returning to my second year of university. I actually want to go back, unlike when I started, because I believe it will be a lot less stressful than my current schedule.

Also my school is less filthy than where I work, hahaha
I also found a job when I was on vacation, but I only worked for half a month because I made a decision: to learn piano.
I just became an adult this year, and I just started learning the piano when I was an adult, does it sound a bit late?
And I often go to the gym to exercise, I want to have a perfect body to meet my college life.
Regarding going out to play, my classmates also asked me to travel with them, because there is a saying on our side: "Youth has no price, hard seats go straight to Lhasa". This sentence may not be translated correctly, but I believe you can understand, hahaha.
I'm learning piano from a teaching video of a blogger who is also from Canada.
Now I can go to some sites like YouTube. This is something I have never been exposed to before, and it is very novel to me.
I want to try to reply sentence by sentence like you, it may look messy when put together, but I haven't learned, I'm a little embarrassed.

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Re: I am a student from China

Post by Froggychum » Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:39 pm

阿冬. wrote:
Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:25 am
I also found a job when I was on vacation, but I only worked for half a month because I made a decision: to learn piano.
I just became an adult this year, and I just started learning the piano when I was an adult, does it sound a bit late?
It does not sound late, at all! You just became an adult, so you are still plenty young and have a lot of life ahead of you!

Good luck on your studies! I really enjoy the sound of piano and wish you great success.

My favorite song on the piano is Moonlight Sonata
阿冬. wrote:
Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:25 am
And I often go to the gym to exercise, I want to have a perfect body to meet my college life.
I am very envious! I have always wanted an excellent body, but I am too lazy to exercise ha ha. I am actually more fit than I was a couple months ago, because I have been working every day and my muscles are growing.

Today my right knee hurts, though.
Regarding going out to play, my classmates also asked me to travel with them, because there is a saying on our side: "Youth has no price, hard seats go straight to Lhasa". This sentence may not be translated correctly, but I believe you can understand, hahaha.
It is a bit ambiguous. I understand Lhasa to be a city, but I don't know what connotations are associated with it. Also the term 'hard seats' does not make much sense in English.

I have several guesses on what this means, but given that you implied your refusal to travel, it is likely meaning that "One should spend their youth responsibly". I may be wrong but I am a little confident
I'm learning piano from a teaching video of a blogger who is also from Canada.
Now I can go to some sites like YouTube. This is something I have never been exposed to before, and it is very novel to me.
YouTube has an uncountable number of videos, there is surely something you will like!

I only watch English videos, so I do not know how many videos exist in Chinese... YouTube subtitles are bad so it may be hard to translate English videos into Chinese.
I want to try to reply sentence by sentence like you, it may look messy when put together, but I haven't learned, I'm a little embarrassed.
Do not be embarrassed, it took me a long time to learn how to do it.

To quote just a piece of any post, use your mouse cursor to highlight the text you want to quote, then click the [ " ] button at top right of original post. This will cause the highlighted text to appear in your post.

You can also manually use HTML tags, but that is more slow.

Here is what it looks like from my side (without the "ABCD"):

[quoteABCD]I want to try to reply sentence by sentence like you, it may look messy when put together, but I haven't learned, I'm a little embarrassed.[/quote]
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:09 am

Froggychum wrote:
Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:39 pm
阿冬. wrote:
Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:25 am
It does not sound late, at all! You just became an adult, so you are still plenty young and have a lot of life ahead of you!

Good luck on your studies! I really enjoy the sound of piano and wish you great success.

My favorite song on the piano is Moonlight Sonata
Glad to hear that!

I went to listen to this song, it sounds very good, I think I should learn this song in the future!
I am very envious! I have always wanted an excellent body, but I am too lazy to exercise ha ha. I am actually more fit than I was a couple months ago, because I have been working every day and my muscles are growing.
Even if you don't feel like exercising, it's important to stay healthy, and that's great right now!

[quote】Today my right knee hurts, though.
The knee is a very important organ, it must be well protected, I will be very careful when I need to use the knee when exercising
It is a bit ambiguous. I understand Lhasa to be a city, but I don't know what connotations are associated with it. Also the term 'hard seats' does not make much sense in English.
It is somewhat difficult to understand, ("hard seat" is our train here, it is much slower than the high-speed rail, and there is a difference between hard seats and sleeper berths on the train) In this way, it takes about two days to be on the train.

So this sounds crazy, my friends are going to the beach.

I really want to go to Lhasa, the scenery there is beautiful, and I want to see the snow-capped mountains.
I have several guesses on what this means, but given that you implied your refusal to travel, it is likely meaning that "One should spend their youth responsibly". I may be wrong but I am a little confident
"One should spend their youth responsibly" I like this sentence very much. Although my own translation is not so beautiful, the translation software can help people understand this sentence very well.

The understanding of the meaning is completely correct. Flowers will bloom again, and people will never be young again. This sentence also says that youth is precious.

But I like to go out to see the scenery, not to imply that I resist travel :sunglassesman: :sunglassesman:
YouTube has an uncountable number of videos, there is surely something you will like!

I only watch English videos, so I do not know how many videos exist in Chinese... YouTube subtitles are bad so it may be hard to translate English videos into Chinese.
Too bad I can't sign up for a Google account and can't dig into YouTube.

I also watch English videos, which will help me learn English. There is an English test at the university :cry2:

[qoute]Do not be embarrassed, it took me a long time to learn how to do it.

To quote just a piece of any post, use your mouse cursor to highlight the text you want to quote, then click the [ " ] button at top right of original post. This will cause the highlighted text to appear in your post.

You can also manually use HTML tags, but that is more slow.

Here is what it looks like from my side (without the "ABCD"):

[quoteABCD]I want to try to reply sentence by sentence like you, it may look messy when put together, but I haven't learned, I'm a little embarrassed.
I'm trying to do this, hope it's not too messy to send out, otherwise I'll edit it

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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:14 am

阿冬. wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:09 am
I'm trying to do this, hope it's not too messy to send out, otherwise I'll edit it
It's a bit messy, but I believe you can understand it, I'm too lazy to modify it, hahaha :sunglassesman: :sunglassesman:

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Re: I am a student from China

Post by Froggychum » Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:50 am

Your reply is understandable.

It is very late for me now because I forgot to log in today until now. So I will not say too much, and I will not use the quotes.

1 -- I will just let you know that Moonlight Sonata is a very difficult and advanced song, so you should not try to learn too quickly. When you do learn it, you can call yourself a very excellent piano player!

2 -- I agree with staying healthy. I eat very well, and my only bad habit is being too idle. My body health is very good, and my mental health is also better than it has been for about five years.

3 -- I understand now that you are saying 'youth should be cherished', I previously believed you were saying that 'youth can be sacrificed for future prosperity' so I was actually very wrong in understanding.

I think it is because the original phrase "youth has no price" is ambiguous. It can mean "youth is worth everything" or "youth is worth nothing".

More specifically, the english word "Priceless" is often used to mean "very valuable" but literally means something like "No value". The translation was a bit strange.

4 -- Lastly, I will tell you that I do not think you need Google account to watch YouTube? I think only age-restricted videos are not available. Most videos are not age-restricted. Age-restriction means the video has explicit or graphic content inappropriate for children and young people.
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Mon Jul 24, 2023 12:59 pm

Froggychum wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:50 am
Your reply is understandable.

It is very late for me now because I forgot to log in today until now. So I will not say too much, and I will not use the quotes.
Ok, just reply when you have enough time. Because I can't see it and reply immediately, not only because of the time difference, but also I need to use a computer at home to reply. So feel free to. :smile:
Froggychum wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:50 am
1 -- I will just let you know that Moonlight Sonata is a very difficult and advanced song, so you should not try to learn too quickly. When you do learn it, you can call yourself a very excellent piano player!
Most of the songs are difficult for me, so I am learning one by one. I am learning "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence" now, and I can already play half of the songs. It is difficult for me to read the staves, so I learned it by reading tutorials on the Internet.
Froggychum wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:50 am

2 -- I agree with staying healthy. I eat very well, and my only bad habit is being too idle. My body health is very good, and my mental health is also better than it has been for about five years.
Nice news! Anyway, I hope you are getting better and better.
Froggychum wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:50 am
3 -- I understand now that you are saying 'youth should be cherished', I previously believed you were saying that 'youth can be sacrificed for future prosperity' so I was actually very wrong in understanding.
This should be my question, Chinese should refer to "item selling price", but it is compared to youth is priceless. The translation may not be very good, but the meaning should be correct.
Regarding this, in the past two days I have been persuading them to go to Lhasa with me, and three of them have already agreed. Ha ha ha ha.
Froggychum wrote:
Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:50 am

4 -- Lastly, I will tell you that I do not think you need Google account to watch YouTube? I think only age-restricted videos are not available. Most videos are not age-restricted. Age-restriction means the video has explicit or graphic content inappropriate for children and young people.
Thanks for your advice, I no longer try to find a way to sign up for an account.

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Re: I am a student from China

Post by Froggychum » Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:11 am

What else do you want to talk about?

I was curious what kind of food you like...?
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Re: I am a student from China

Post by 阿冬. » Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:53 am

Froggychum wrote:
Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:11 am
What else do you want to talk about?
Talk about anything you want.
Froggychum wrote:
Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:11 am
I was curious what kind of food you like...?
If it is food, there are a lot, and there are many kinds of Chinese dishes. I generally like to eat spicy food.
I heard that foreigners don't eat crayfish? Hahahaha I have a lot of practices on crayfish here, and even crayfish can be sold very expensive.
As for fruits, we have a lot of watermelons in summer, and they are very cheap. I also like to eat.

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Re: I am a student from China

Post by Froggychum » Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:30 am

阿冬. wrote:
Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:53 am
Talk about anything you want.
Okay. I asked you because I had nothing interesting to mention, ha ha
阿冬. wrote:
Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:53 am
I generally like to eat spicy food.
I used to hate spicy food, but now I am starting to like it. I don't know how much my spice tolerance is though, I have only ever had Bell Pepper (0 Scoville, not even a spicy pepper) and Jalapeno (which is apparently about 5000 Scoville). I may have eaten others without knowing their names.

Hot peppers do not grow in Canada, but they are easy to acquire.
阿冬. wrote:
Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:53 am
I heard that foreigners don't eat crayfish?
Seafood is very expensive in Canada, even though I think it can be obtained in large amounts all along the coast.

I do not think I have had crayfish, but I have had Shrimp many times.

Just a couple days ago I had Octopus, Snail and Lobster Tail for the first time! I liked all of them except for the Snail. The Snail was prepared badly, so it did not have a good taste or texture.

I am sure you can eat crayfish here, but you would have to look for it. It is not common, I believe.
阿冬. wrote:
Wed Jul 26, 2023 1:53 am
As for fruits, we have a lot of watermelons in summer, and they are very cheap.
I like watermelons. They do not grow in Canada, and are quite expensive (not as much as seafood)

Fruit in Canada is often very bland because it is ripened in a transport truck using a sun lamp, rather than on a proper farm. This is because it can take a long time to transport fruit, and they do not want it to rot. However, this means we get fruit which has very little flavor, unless we buy locally (which is possible for some fruits that survive the climate, or that are grown in greenhouses)

My favorite fruits are probably raspberries. They also suffer in quality, but we do grow them here so it is possible to buy it more fresh if you look for local product. However, it is more expensive to buy Ontario raspberry.

I also like strawberries, blueberries, apples, bananas, mandarins, clementines, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, apricots, cherries and grapes!
I also like to eat.
Me too!

Though, i think most people would feel the same!

It is very interesting to me when I hear what people in other countries eat, because it makes me want to try their cuisine and appreciate their food

My city has many Chinese restaurants, but I do not know if they are authentic. I have had a couple bad experiences, so I have decided to only buy from authentic restaurants. It also means I will get a more accurate taste.
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